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  • Marco Gorelli's avatar
    Only pin theano-pymc in requirements.txt (#4322) · eb4be99c
    Marco Gorelli authored
    * 🔨 add scripts to check theano-pymc pins, to generate requirements-dev from conda, to sort conda deps
    * 🔧 update conda envs and requirements-dev.txt
    * 📝 fix typo
    * 📝 add docstrings
    * 📝 update pip-to-conda docstring
    * noop
    * 🔥 remove pin theano checks, just use requirements.txt
    * local install in arviz compat
    * 📝 switch -> checkout, note beginner friendly label
    * 📝 link to beginner friendly issues
    * run generate pip deps from conda on all conda env files
    * 🔧 make sure all conda-envs files generate requirements-dev
    * 🔀 reorder some tests
    * 🎨
     remove trailing comma
    * Update scripts/
    Co-authored-by: default avatarThomas Wiecki <>
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